Wednesday, November 3, 2010


We went out yesterday afternoon to the Waterfront. I didn't know why it's capitalised either. It's a sort of shopping stroke restaurant cafe bar complex which looks out across the main old bay of Cape Town. The town was founded as a port for sailors rounding the Cape and it remains a working port, so the view consisted in large part of container ships and tugs, but also mountains (they are hard to avoid). Anyway we walked round for a bt and decided to go for (half price!) cocktails and dinner. Our conversation went like this.

Adam: I have R300 so we should keep below that for dinner.
Sandra: It's ok I have my card.
Adam: Alright then. *orders wine*
Waitress: That'll be R302
Sandra: Adam my card's in your wallet.
Adam: What this old one?
Sandra: Adam you have the wrong card.
Adam: Er, Waitress...

So we have promised to go back again tonight. Two rand is less than 20p so it's not that bad.

Oh yes. A story I forgot from yesterday. After pulling our baggage off the carousel in Joburg, we went to take it away on the trolley when some blokes with a sniffer dog came round. They'd already been round once so we thought nothing of it, until the dog became very interested in my hand luggage. So much so in fact that the aforementioned blokes made me take it apart on the floor. Bearing in mind these dogs are supposed to be looking for cocaine or explosives or somesuch it did not look good. The culprit turned out eventually to be... Aniket. Who as I said had packed us some tasty pasta salad, which also included an entire cooked chicken. Which the dog wanted. I've never seen guards so fascinated by the contents of a lunchbox (maybe it wasn't just the dog who was hungry) but eventually we were released, only of course to be stopped again on the way out of Cape Town airport as described below.

Today we are off to the main part of town. Pictures to follow.

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